london Tag

As a business owner, one of the best things about my job is the variety of work we do and the colourful people we meet, but nothing beats the call I had last week asking if we could come to her majesty's prison in Brixton...

We quite often get asked the question 'What colour background would best suit me?' so we thought we'd put together a little blog about how to chose the best-coloured background for you when opting for a studio headshot session. This applies to both our pop-up...

Taken during one of our team pop-up headshot sessions at the Sir Christopher Wren hotel in Windsor for clients World Courier last week. All thats needed is a little space and a power source. Simples....

  We were asked to provide some casual but striking outdoor profile shots for a company biog page. People sell people and this agency knows that all too well. #puttinganametoaface...